Update on Order Lead Times:


First, thank you to everyone for your support and your patience.  Some of you remember when the shop was new and volume was low, and I used to ship everything within three weeks.  As order volume increased I have moved the ship target out to four, six, and eight weeks in an attempt to keep enough cushion in the schedule.  In the last several months it slowly became impossible to schedule all orders to an arbitrary turnaround time.  Custom features and multiple mats take far longer to build than a single standard mat, so it hasn’t been possible to get every order out on the same timetable as if every order were the same. I also can’t predict what will come in, or how much volume might increase.  At some point, the volume simply overwhelmed my ability to hold that schedule, or to accurately estimate a delivery timetable at the time of order. The biggest reason is that this is still a part-time endeavor for me and there are immense growing pains in getting to where I can take it full time and add more available work hours, to increase capacity and shorten turnaround times again. Please remember that I am not pulling your order from a shelf or pressing a print button, but creating a hand-made piece made to your specifications, which takes time and care.  I take pride in my work and I labor and fuss over your mat until I’m satisfied with it and proud to send it off to you.


Currently and in actuality, things are running closer to twelve weeks or more for order fulfillment. Nothing is on hold, but all orders are shipping on a later timetable than originally estimated.  I have always stated that custom work and multiple mat orders may take longer, and so at times I must prioritize the small standard orders to keep things moving.  As I begin to catch up from the overbooked section of the schedule, the delays will be less.  Covid-19 has sometimes been a factor in shipping and in receiving supplies, but is a larger factor for some of you who are unable to host or attend your games at all, depending on the situation in your area.  Whether you are actively gaming or still on hiatus, please email me if you need an updated estimate for your order’s completion and I will be happy to advise you.  Otherwise, expect that it will ship several weeks beyond the original estimate.


Going forward, at least for a while, I will need to book new orders without estimating the turnaround time.  I will build your mat and you will receive it, but I can’t at this moment tell you exactly how soon.  I realize this may deter some of you from ordering, but I would rather make no promises on a turnaround time than to disappoint everyone by being ‘late’ with their order.