
Rough Mat Add-Ons

ROUGH MAT Add-On Features

Add extra customization and detail to your ROUGH mat with any of these built-in features.  You can include multiple add-on features by adding them to your cart one at a time.

Roads, Paths, and Streams will be roughly centered and may run across the short dimension of the mat, the long dimension, or diagonally corner to corner.  A Road will be about 2″ wide (5cm) and textured like dirt.  A Path will be a patchy trail about 1″ wide (2.5cm) but more irregular and containing overgrown and rough patches.  A small pool/oasis is an oblong water area with a long dimension of up to 1/4 of the mat width.  A large pool/oasis will be about 1/2 the mat width.  Placement of rock features and pools will be at my discretion unless specific directions are provided.

Note: these are are add-ons built into your mat and require purchase of a mat.  They are NOT stand-alone terrain pieces.

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