Battle Blankets Design Request


We accept commissions!

You don’t have to choose from a small selection of war-zones and environments… we are also “for hire” to create a custom commissioned design that becomes available for print by you and everyone. Just let us know what you have in mind, and your custom battlefield can be created for a one-time art fee, and then added to the available print offerings. Because we retain the rights to images we create, and it becomes a part of our library, the cost to create the mat you’ve been looking for might be less than you expect.

Get in touch to discuss options!

Your information is used only to discuss your project, and will never be disclosed to a third party or used for any future marketing purpose.
Selected Value: 3
More resources may be necessary for projects requiring high levels of detail or exacting specifications.
The general game genre or setting for this environment
The era selected will inform the technology level and the appearance of roads, bridges, or other construction
Please name any specific place or battle from history, literature or film
Artwork and scale will be optimized for printing at this size.
The scale of your rule system or miniatures is very important to designing a battlefield where they fit.
The drawing style for the mat appearance can be simple color & texture to define areas, map-like with some hand-drawn qualities, colorful and attractive, or as realistic as possible like an aerial photo.
For historical battlefields, how closely do you wish the layout to match the exact terrain and distances? Keep in mind that some battlefields cover a large area and, depending on scale, would not fit a single mat without fudging distances or selecting just the most important area of the battle.
General Categories (specific examples are offered next). This is a basic starting point if there is no historical or other reference.
Include clarifying additional details at the end of the form if applicable
Include clarifying additional details at the end of the form if applicable
Include clarifying additional details at the end of the form if applicable
Include clarifying additional details at the end of the form if applicable
Include clarifying additional details at the end of the form if applicable
any square or hex grid required?
Please provide a dimension in inches or centimeters, if applicable
Links to reference images or maps relevant to creating your mat
Let me know any important information that the form might be missing, if applicable.